Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Jinxie...All about me ^_^

After my poor attendance on this blog recently, and the fact that I'm getting more and more discouraged about my Lightning Cosplay as my convention draws closer, I thought I'd post about something that makes me happy.
This year was my final year at university. I went to Sheffield Hallam and studied Games Design. I can honestly say I hated it and anyone thinking of studying there, find another university. I could go into the horror of the last three years and how in all honesty, I know about the same as before I went in there and paid my £3000+ a year in tuition fees. But for our final year projects we were given full reign....do whatever we liked. Now in three years they had taught me nothing about modelling in 3D but I love character design and coming up with characters so that is what I chose to do. I would come up with a game concept, draw a whole load of art for it and then try to realise a 3D trailer for the game. It was a LOT of work.
I knew about Maya and 3DS Max but beyond moving balls and blocks round and animating a biped, I didn't know much else. I knew it was goign to be a lot of work, hence why a lot of the posts on this blog while I was still at uni are pretty random with when they were posted as I literally had to learn how to model and animate in about 6 months. That was with other random and totally pointless assignments they gave us just to try and catch us out.
The end result, while not entirely happy with it and even less happy with my mark (I got the same as people that had done less than half the work I had....) I am actually pretty happy with what I managed to learn in that time. Seriously had I known I could learn all that, I'd have not bothered with uni at all.
The whole focus of my idea was on the character below. A young girl called Jinxie.
There wasn't an aspect of the game I didn't think about or go into in my project. From game mechanics and UI designs, to story development and side characters and quests. I covered everything and, also managed to learn how to model, texture and animate.....I was literally so proud of it....I still am in fact, regardless of my mark.

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