Thursday, 19 January 2012

Totally awesome, seriously retro game

Right, ranting about FF XIII-2 aside, here I have a post that is exactly what the title says. It's about a wicked awesome game.

So basically, the other day I was minding my own business thinking about stuff (games) when it occured to me that I couldn't remember the name of possibly one of the first ever video games I ever played.

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back when I got my first computer (an old Macintosh Performa) there were several pre installed programs and games on. It wasn't like now when you literally get a shell of a computer and have to pay super inflated prices for anything, no then we had it all installed for us. Anywho, getting off track, I always remember this one game.

Basically you played as a tank and had to move around the level taking out other tanks. Try typing that into google and you do not get this game lol. But that's all I could remember of it (that and I wasn't very good at it lol) But when I was like six or seven, I wasn't into video games like I am now. So I went on an epic search to find what it was, only doing so when I finally managed to remember what my computer was called lol.

So what am I keeping you in suspense for? It was this game:

Spectre Supreme!!!!!

Seriously, watching that video brought back so many memories. I'm fairly confident that I could get to like level 8 or something whereas my dad and cousins used to be able to get into their 20's (that game was hard lol)

Doesn't it look wonderfully dated now lol. But the concept of it is just quite addictive. Presently I'm trying to find it online because I would love to play it again just for nostalgia's sake (and the fact I could probably do quite well now lol)

Seriously, it drove me nuts for hours trying to find the name, and once I'd started looking, I couldn't stop till I found it :) So happy I did though. Retro game are the best :)

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